Thursday, September 30, 2010

i'm still running.

just wanted to inform you all the i'm still running.
last saturday was 8 miles.
i was literally dragged by the arm to keep going the last mile.
but hey, i finished.
it's amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

recent events.

saturday i ran 7 miles.
there was a lovely little break in the middle.
the best part though was probably about mile 5, a bug flew straight into my eye. 
here's me and my friend libby standing on the corner of a very busy road trying to get the bug out for a solid 5 minutes. 
it was so funny.
and it hurt so bad.

last night we ran up stairs.
it was hard.
but i felt good after.

a month and a half left....

Friday, September 17, 2010

something about long legs.

last night i did 4.5 miles.
i brought my cousin along.
at one point he said,
"i'm not doing this to judge your pace but just watch..."
as i was running his legs were long enough that he could speed walk and keep the same pace.
[he is like 6 foot 4.]
but still, kind of embarrassing.
i felt great though.

hopefully long run tomorrow goes gooooooood.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

halfway there.

i DID it.
i ran (and walked) 6 miles.
boo yah.
it was not fast.
it was not good.
but i did it.

here is what kayla said about it yesterday in a text:
"that was 57.30 minutes of hell."
i love that she is so honest.

i hope i can survive doubling that run!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I did six miles today! I wish I could say that is was fun, but it wasn't. Oh well, at least I made it....right?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Three miles tonight, didn't love it... Here's to a better Tomorrow

note to self:

when you know not to eat the cobbler right before you go running, stick to your gut feeling [literally] and don't eat it.
...they give you side aches.

tonight i went 3 miles and it felt good [minus the side aches].
i'm starting to enjoy this running thing.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sometimes running stinks...

BUT NOT TODAY!! Today was a great run! My gps watch was dead so I just decided to just go for it. I have no clue how long it took me, but that doesn't really matter, right? I think I did a little over 3.5 miles but again... I'm not too sure. It still was a fun run though! Bring on six miles baby.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

long runs.

after a not so good week of running,
[i hate sick.]
i finished strong with a 4.5 mile run.
i went with roommate marlee and we finished in about 42 minutes.
it felt great.
and you know what i realized?
if i just stick to this long runs won't be as scary as i thought...

here's to a better training week next week!

flashback of the day:
in middle school kayla and i walked to walmart like twice a week.
we always came home with pet goldfish.
and kayla got flaming hot cheetos.
then we would watch "what not to wear."
man...we lived it up then.

Friday, September 3, 2010

i'm sick.
my body feels funny.
it's frustrating.
"sucks to be me right now." day soon i'll be on top of this training thing.

Thursday, September 2, 2010